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CBSE Class 10 term-1 results declared; schools to distribute marksheets after adding practical marks

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CBSE Class 10 Term 1 Result: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the result of Class 10 term 1 examination. This year, the result was declared in an offline way. CBSE sent the scorecards of class 10 students to their respective schools this year, instead of releasing it online.


"Schools have just received the theory marks on their Shiksha ids. And now they will add practical/internal marks and then it will be disseminated," Anshu Mittal, Principal, MRG School, Rohini informed indianexpress.com.



"Performance of Term 1 exam of class X has been communicated to the schools by CBSE. Only scores in theory have been communicated as internal Assessment /practical scores are already available with the schools," CBSE confirmed through its official Twitter account.



Earlier, the result was expected to be released online and it was assumed that students could access their result from the official CBSE website — cbse.gov.in or cbseresults.nic.in — or DigiLocker app or website, the UMANG app, or SMS.



However, now since the result has been declared offline and has not been uploaded on the official websites, students will have to collect their term 1 marksheets from their respective schools.


This year, the CBSE is conducting the board exams in two phases — Term 1 and 2. In the result cards that have been shared with schools, it is only the theory marks that have been communicated.  "Performance of Term 1 exam of class X has been communicated to the schools by CBSE. Only scores in theory have been communicated as internal Assessment /practical scores are already available with the schools," another tweet from the official CBSE account read.


Term 1 exams were conducted in an offline mode from November 30 to December 11, 2021. CBSE announced that no student will fail or pass on the basis of Term 1 result, only marks would be declared. The final result will be a combined score of term 1, term 2, and internal scores, which will be declared after the term-2 examination.



The board has also increased the number of exam centres from 7,000 to 14,000. As per reports, around 22 lakh candidates are expected to take the OMR-based Term 2 exam for class 10 and nearly 14 lakh have registered for Term-1 of class 12.



On March 11, 2022, CBSE also released the datesheet for term-2 board exams. The exams for both classes will begin on April 26. Students can check the datesheet for board exams on the official CBSE website — cbse.gov.in, cbseresults.nic.in.



Term 2 examinations will be conducted in an offline mode. The question paper for the second term will include questions from the remaining 50 per cent of the syllabus (that has been uploaded on the CBSE website). It will not just include objective-type questions, but also questions of different formats.


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