EduGyani Home Tutor & Institutes is the best and most unique digital platform in India that enables learners to communicate with the right tutors. The education of a child is the greatest concern for parents, and if they do enough, they are forever worried. With the continuous concern and no influence over what their child learns at school, this concern is better resolved by after-school extra-schooling (tuitions), which is EduGyani's Home Tutors & Institutes flagship service.


The challenge faced by both parents and students is to find the right tutors who can provide quality education, are trustworthy & accountable, have a good teaching experience, and fit their budget. EduGyani Home Tutors & Institutes aims to address this need and has provided you with a single, streamlined & unified ed-tech platform that adheres to global quality standards for on-demand tutoring. EduGyani Home Tutors & Institutes was built on the premise that any student can succeed as long as she gets the correct guidance.


Tutors are the main component in quality tuitions. EduGyani Home Tutors & Institutes is forever on the lookout for enthusiastic, experienced and trained tutors with the right aptitude and attitude. Tutors are subjected to a rigorous multi-level screening process (including verification of their expertise, skills, experience, abilities, teaching techniques & background) and only the best tutors are included in the team of EduGyani.


The tutors are then given a proper orientation, once part of the EduGyani family, in which they are acquainted with the quality expectations of EduGyani, modern global teaching tips, techniques and methodologies. They are also qualified to simplify their lives, teach & guide their students effectively using the EduGyani digital platform and tutor dashboard. They can monitor their schedules, classes & students via the dashboard, and make & submit notes, tasks, tests and exams.


Students are given multiple ways to find tutors as per their exact requirements with the EduGyani  platform. Since students are pressed for time today, we help them save it by delivering tuitions at their convenience completely. Students may tailor their tuition classes in terms of class mode (offline or online), class form (individual or group) and budget. At short notice, they can find a tutor and book classes and/or even book them with desired tutors by the hour for specs.


EduGyani aims to become India's leading aggregator of tutors (individuals or institutions) and tuition providers. Our emphasis will always be to maintain top quality, standards, reliability and security for our students.

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